Upcoming Events Subscribe to our newsletter to receive all updates! You can easily do that by going to our homepage (the form is at the bottom). Please email us for full details of upcoming events. Scroll down for Virtual Events and Groups!
Christmas Fair 2024 Our Christmas Fair was a real success again. Our amazing hard working team made it possible and put together a truly wonderful and unforgettable event! We all had a great time too.
Our Fellowship Lunches
Christmas Fair 2023 What a success our Christmas Fair was. Huge congratulations to our hard working team who made it possible and put together a truly wonderful and unforgettable event. A great time was had by all as well.
Summer Fair 2023 Our Summer Fair on 17th June was a success. We sold cakes, painted faces, and had lots of fun together! It was lovely to see each other. Many to the Events Team and everyone else who helped.
Virtual Events After the summer break we are holding a virtual quiz on Saturday nights on Zoom to give us all some fun and also hopefully add a little extra into church funds to help with the ongoing bills.
For a small fee we can all join in. The charge is €5 or if you pay for 5 weeks in one payment you will only be charged for 4 = €20 for 5 weeks and the winner will receive a modest Amazon gift token. Payment to be made prior to quiz using the donation button on our funding page.
Groups These groups are now being held virtually. Please see the links in the weekly emails to join in. Everyone is welcome, even if you just want to come occasionally. Bible Study on Zoom These groups are open to all. It is a time for friendly, informal exploration of the scriptures.
Coffee & Chat on Zoom A time for a catch-up and to invite friends along to meet members of the chaplaincy with no strings.
Craft Group on Zoom A fun activity where anyone can easily craft their own colourful creations.