As an Anglican community abroad, we believe in an open and inclusive approach to the Christian faith. At the heart of this faith stands the core value of love for God and for our neighbour, which goes hand in hand with a belief that compassion, mercy, forgiveness and justice are essential elements of a healthy human society. Alongside these values lies a belief that Jesus’ death and resurrection revealed God’s love for the world in a new and unique way. However, we recognise that people come to God through a variety of different routes, and that there are many ways of worshipping and serving God. Jesus’ life on earth shows us the way to live, both through his acts and his teachings.
The Christian faith is more than just a set of beliefs, however. Christians are called by God to a way of life which reflects Jesus’ teaching that we should put our love of God and of our neighbour at the heart of who we are, and how we treat other people. This means that compassion, forgiveness, peace, reconciliation and a desire for the wellbeing of all people should guide us in the things we say and do.
More information about the Christian faith and about being an Anglican may be found on the Church of England website and of course, for a conversation, please get in touch with the Chaplain.
We are part of the Diocese of Europe The Diocesan Strategy, Walking together in faith is the vision plan for the churches across Europe.