Safeguarding The Diocese in Europe promotes “Safe Churches” as part of our commitment to the Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults. A Safeguarding Policy and Protocol has been in place since December 2015. A new policy and associated guidance has now been produced and includes major updates in line with recent legislation changes and experience across the Church of England. Click here for the link.
We take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously. Please contact our safeguarding officer, Michael Lee, if you have any concerns - [email protected]
Click here for a link to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team
25/06/2022 Catalonia Telephone numbers which may be useful. Help for Children 900 300 777 Help for Victims of Crimes 900 121 884 Emergency Social Services 900 70 30 30 Help for Women at Risk of Violence 900 900 120 Help for Drug Users 900 900 540 Police 112